to Our Site
St. Peter's is an Anglican Church, nestled on the border of Kingston and Amherstview. We have been serving the people of Kingston and Loyalist Township for over 60 years, and would love for you to join us at one of our worship services!
Worship Services
Each week we gather as a community to worship God in various ways.
In addition to our regular Sunday and Wednesday services, we occasionally hold Morning Prayer,
Evening Prayer, and other special services depending on the various seasons of the Church.
Check out our Calendar or What to Expect pages for more details about services.​
Worship Service Times
Sunday - 10am
Our Sunday Service is a "middle of the road" (neither 'high church' nor 'low church') Holy Communion Service, with times of hymn singing and a liturgy drawn from the Book of Alternative Services. We often meet for Coffee Hour after the Service.
On Sundays from September to June we offer Sunday School during the service for children under 12.
Wednesday - Noon
Our Wednesday Service is a traditional Book of Common Prayer service which does not include music, but does offer time for quiet, contemplative reflection.
Upcoming Events

Laughs and Crafts
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 1:00 pm.
Those who attend are invited to bring a craft to work on. additionally, if you do not have a craft (or are not the "crafty" type) you are still invited to come! Have some laughs and enjoy a cup of tea, and some baked goods. This is a great place to meet people and simply enjoy some fellowship with others.
Cards and Games
Please join us as we re-launch our Monday event of Cards and Games.
We gather on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 1:00 pm, come alone or bring your partner and/or friends.
New to games and cards or haven’t played for a while? No Problem!
We would love to teach or refresh you.
Light refreshments – Free will offering.
Book of Common Prayer Communion Service
Our weekly Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion Service takes place on Wednesdays at 12 pm. Join us for a simple and contemplative spoken word service. If you are a shift worker, have a hard time getting to our Sunday Service, or simply prefer connecting with the Anglican tradition of worship as expressed in the BCP, this service is for you. Each service contains a brief homily about a saint or festival found in the church's history to inspire us to continue in the faithful footsteps that have gone ahead of us.
Winter Clothing Drive
February 2nd will be the last day that we are collecting winter clothing items for those in need.
We have been gathering hats, mitts, gloves, scarves, socks, and coats throughout the month of January to be distributed to various groups around the Kingston/Loyalist area. Join us on Sunday, February 2nd at our 10am service when we will be gathering all of the items together to be blessed and we pray for the individuals the people who will receive these items. Winters can be very cold and long, and many people lose items throughout the season. This is our opportunity to clothe others as if we were clothing Christ himself.
Parish Advisory Council
We will be holding our first Parish Advisory Council Meeting on February 10th at 6:30 pm in the conference room. Anyone who has any a matter that they wish to have council address should submit the matter to the wardens by 4:00 pm on February 6th.
We invite everyone to pray that our council will have the wisdom
and discernment as we prepare and plan how our church may best participate in Christ's ongoing ministry in the Kingston/Loyalist area.
Anyone is welcome to attend council meetings as a guest, but only those on council are authorized to speak on matters before the council.
Food Drive
On Saturday, February 8th from 10am - 12pm we will be hosting a food drive in our lobby where we will be collecting non-perishable food items to be donated to the Amherstview Lions Club Food Bank.
A report was recently issued that
1-in-3 households in the Kingston area are suffering from food insecurity. As followers of Jesus, we believe, as Acts 2:44-45 states, that those who have much, and are able to give, should support those who do not; so that no one goes without. Please help as you are able, as we believe that feeding the hungry is equivalent to feed Jesus (Matt 25)
Anglican Church
Women Meeting
Any and all women are invited to join the gathering of St. Peter's Anglican Church Women (ACW) on
Tuesday, February 18th at 1:30pm.
The mission of the Diocese of Ontario ACW is to unite women in promoting the love of Christ with their time, talents and resources. Their work provides strong support to our parish through varied means and aids in the outreach to our broader surrounding communities. This ministry is a crucial part of how we continue to participate in Christ's ongoing ministry in our area.
An ACW Sponsored
Guest Speaker
All are welcome and invited to attend guest speaker Patty Rivera Spencer's talk "The Trans and non-binary experience: A guide for the perplexed," on Tuesday, February 18th at 2pm.
Patty's talk seeks to help people who may feel uninformed to understand the vocabulary and concepts around gender attraction/identity/expression.
Patty Spencer offers this informational presentation in an environment where “not knowing” is okay. This talk is meant to be educational and does not address matters of faith. A time for questions and responses will follow the talk.
St. Peter's
Annual Vestry Meeting
Our annual vestry meeting will take place after our service on Sunday, February 23rd at 11:30am.
Vestry is an incredibly important time for a parish as it seeks to participate in Christ's ongoing ministry. Vestry is a time for discernment, casting vision, and attending to the governance and business of the church. We vote to approve the yearly budget, address any possible concerns within the congregation, and select members of our church to serve on parish council. All are welcome to attend, however canons stipulate only those who have attended 3 communion service are capable of voting.
Stay in Touch
Office: 613-384-1782
Email: stpeterskingston@gmail.com
4333 Bath Rd.,
Kingston, Ontario
K7M 4Z1