to Our Site
St. Peter's is an Anglican Church, nestled on the border of Kingston and Amherstview. We have been serving the people of Kingston and Loyalist Township for over 60 years, and would love for you to join us at one of our worship services!
Worship Services
Each week we gather as a community to worship God in various ways.
In addition to our regular Sunday and Wednesday services, we occasionally hold Morning Prayer,
Evening Prayer, and other special services depending on the various seasons of the Church.
Check out our Calendar or What to Expect pages for more details about services.
Worship Service Times
Sunday - 10am
Our Sunday Service is a "middle of the road" (neither 'high church' nor 'low church') Holy Communion Service, with times of hymn singing and a liturgy drawn from the Book of Alternative Services. We often meet for Coffee Hour after the Service.
On Sundays from September to June we offer Sunday School during the service for children under 12.
Wednesday - Noon
Our Wednesday Service is a traditional Book of Common Prayer service which does not include music, but does offer time for quiet, contemplative reflection.
Upcoming Events
Laughs and Crafts
Join the very lively group which gathers in our parish hall on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 1:00 pm.
Bring a craft to work on or come, have some laughs and enjoy a cup of tea and a snack.
Wednesday Morning
Bible Study
We will be launching our Bible Study after our Summer hiatus on Wednesday, September 11th at 10:30am. This Autumn we will be reading and discussing the book, "Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters" by Carmen Joy Imes. The book asks us to consider whether the commandment "Do not take the name of the LORD in vain" has been misunderstood over time, and is considerably more comprehensive than we have assumed (and still incredibly more important for us as Christians today).
Book of Common Prayer Communion Service
Our weekly Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion Service returns at 12 pm on Wednesday, September 11th. Join us for a simple and contemplative spoken word service. If you are a shift worker, have a hard time getting to our Sunday Service, or simply prefer connecting with the Anglican tradition of worship as expressed in the BCP, this service is for you. Each service contains a brief homily about a saint or festival found in the church's history to inspire us to continue in the faithful footsteps that have gone ahead of us.
Soup and Sandwiches
You are invited to join us after our service on Sunday, September 15th as we enjoy a light lunch of soup and sandwiches. Our fundraising team graciously holds this lunch once a month in an effort to help fundraise for various church needs. In lieu of that fact, a freewill offering will be taken; please feel free to give only what you are able or feel inclined to give, even if that is a freewill offering of gratitudeand not money.
Cards and Games
Please join us as we re-launch our Monday event of Cards and Games.
We gather on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 1:00 pm, come alone or bring your partner and/or friends.
New to games and cards or haven’t played for a while? No Problem!
We would love to teach or refresh you.
Light refreshments – Free will offering.
Anglican Church
Women Meeting
All women are invited to join the Anglican Church Women (ACW) for their first meeting after the Summer break. We will be hosting a potluck lunch at 12:30pm, so please bring an item to contribute to the lunch. After lunch we will be discussing any relevant ACW before our speaker for September joins us at 2pm. Everyone is invited to join us for our speaker, not just ACW members. Our speaker will be Angela D'Alessandro from KFLA Mental Health speaking on mental health issues for those over 16 years old.
Friday Night
Fellowship Campfire
With the success of our fellowship campfires over the summer, we have decided to continue them into the Autumn. Our next campfire will be Friday, September 20th at 5:30pm. You are invited join us as the church provides hotdogs and marshmallows for roasting. Please bring any non-alcoholic beverages you would like for you and your family, and also a lawn chair if you are able. As the evenings are getting cooler you may also want a blanket to help stay cozy around the fire. If the weather is poor, we will meet in our parish hall.
Apple Picking at
Spring Meadow Orchards
Please join us after our service on Sunday, September 22nd at 2:00pm when we will be gathering at Spring Meadow Orchards to pick apples, pumpkins, and enjoy the corn maze! You can either meet us at the farm (10143 Loyalist Pkwy, Greater Napanee, ON K7R 3K7), or sign up for to car pool at the church. The carpool will meet at the church and leave for the orchard at approx. 1:30pm. If the weather is not favourable we will reschedule for the following Sunday, September 29th.
Book and Bake Cafe
Our annual book and bake café will be held on Saturday, Sept. 28th, from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. Join us in our lower parish hall and peruse the books that we have for sale, or the homemade baked goods while they last. After purchasing something to read, feel free to join us in our cafe for some coffee or tea and a muffin for $3. This event is being held by our fundraising team and all profits will go to support the various needs and ministries of St. Peter's church.
Stay in Touch
Office: 613-384-1782
Email: stpeterskingston@gmail.com
4333 Bath Rd.,
Kingston, Ontario
K7M 4Z1